Massachusetts Bill Would Remove “Mother” and “Unborn Child” From Legal Definition of Pregnancy

The simple scientific fact is that an abortion destroys the life of a unique, individual human being in a violent way. But the pro-abortion movement has been trying to hide this from the public for decades. It uses terms like “choice,” “reproductive rights” and “health care” rather than abortion. Abortion activists almost never say “baby,” instead preferring “fetus,” “clump of cells” or even just “the pregnancy.”

Massachusetts Bill Would Remove “Mother” and “Unborn Child” From Legal Definition of Pregnancy

The True Story of Jane Doe and Mary Roe – Allan Parker

Facts that you may not know about RoeVWade. The True Story of Jane Doe and Mary Roe – Allan Parker! By the attorney who represented Norma McCorvy when she wanted to go back to the Supreme Court to ask them to reverse their decision.

Image result for jane doe norma mccorvey pictures

Watch Their Minds Change On Abortion

Most people, much less, young people have ever seen a video of an abortion. When they are shown what actually happens to the human life that is growing in the mother’s womb they are shocked and change their minds about abortion. Check out this video of the people who are educated about abortion.

Planned Parenthood and Babies in the Womb

Educate yourself about abortion and babies in the womb,  and, then educate yourself about Planned Parenthood — decide for yourself about what is happening in this agenda to destroy human life. baby choice to live

Comedian on abortion: ‘Really knock’ that ‘baby out of there’

She doesn’t even hesitate to call the growing human being, in the womb, a baby! Check out this article and the videos and see what you think about them.–WAO4xi6-q0GBXulacBBdQq_EL-ZhZ1bs2u0m2XfgRZQGGURW4jbn3pujc5LNwUCIbeUY3G2l-zQzYkDAHNIisrB4YaQ&_hsmi=62698318

We Are Civilized?

We call ourselves civilized and we debate whether or not we should kill and dismember human beings, growing in the womb, because they may or may not feel pain.  We accept the lies, that are fed to us, that they are only “groups of cells” and “blobs of fllesh”, when in reality they are miniature human bodies with all the organs and body parts that we, ourselves, have. We ignore the obvious facts, taking the word of self proclaimed experts, allowing embryos and fetuses to be poisoned and put to death and, then, cut into pieces and removed from the womb without even knowing what they, really, look like. We rationalize that because it is the law of the land to kill these tiny human beings that it is ok to do so, and that we should continue to permit this. And, now, we are buying into the lie that these beings are not even human. Thank God there are some people who, actually, acknowledge the truth and are working to try to save life in the womb. If more people would learn the facts, they would wake up and petition the Senate to vote for the Late-Term Abortion Ban. And, if people would take the time to watch videos of humans in the womb, and the procedure of killing them and dismembering them, people would be educated enough to realize what they are, actually, agreeing to when the approve of abortion.

stages of baby abortion


See these videos to learn the process of life during pregnancy:


The Secret Life in The Womb

The Second Trimester

The Third Trimester



What Is All This Fuss About Abortion? Why Do So Many People Want To Have RoeVWade Overturned?

Do you think that abortion should continue to be legal? Do you, really, know what occurs during an abortion? Do you think that life in the womb is just a “clump of cells” or a shapeless parasite?

Fetal Development   Click on the link to see this illustration large enough to read.

The more knowledge that is brought to the surface, the more it is proven that embryos, fetuses and babies in the womb are 100% alive, 100% human, 100% worthy of the same rights as those of us who have had the privilege of being born.

Technology has come a long way since the legalization of abortion over 40 years ago. In the 1970s, the average pregnant woman didn’t know what her preborn child looked like at each stage of development. Then ultrasounds became standard practice, and as that technology improved, so did our ability to see inside the womb. Now, we can see what was impossible to see when the men on the Supreme Court of the United States decided to make abortion legal. I am sure, that if they had known and seen what would be presented to them today, as evidence of human life, from an attorney representing the unborn children, the jurors would have voted down this horrific practice of torturing and killing human life in the womb. Today, we have all the evidence to show that growing life in the womb is a baby with a beating heart, human brain, all the internal organs, arms with hands and fingers, legs with feet and toes, eyes, nose, mouth, as well as ears.

To perform a surgical abortion, the cervix (neck of the womb) is dilated and an instrument called a cannula (suction catheter) is inserted in the woman’s womb. The cannula is attached to a tube which, in turn, is attached to a very powerful suction machine and the child is sucked into the tube, dismembering the child during the process. At first, a small cannula is used to tear off the arms and legs, then a larger cannula is attached, and used to pull out the torso, along with all the internal organs, since the rib bones are very soft and the rib cage can be compressed down small enough to be removed through the tube, by the intense suction. Then, in order to remove the head it must first be crushed, with the use of an instrument called a Sopher clamp, and, then it can be pulled out of the mother’s womb.

Click on the link to check out this article, as an abortion doctor describes the procedure:

An Abortion Doctor Describes a D&E Abortion

Most of the time, the fetus/baby is killed, first, by a shot of digoxin to stop his/her heart, but, sometimes the suction process, itself, is what kills the baby, instead. After the abortion, the “doctor” must inspect the remains to make sure that none of body parts still remain in the womb, so that they will not decay and become toxic to the woman.

This is what is done to kill and remove a growing baby from the mother’s womb.

Has your opinion changed about abortion?