Watch Their Minds Change On Abortion

Most people, much less, young people have ever seen a video of an abortion. When they are shown what actually happens to the human life that is growing in the mother’s womb they are shocked and change their minds about abortion. Check out this video of the people who are educated about abortion.

Planned Parenthood and Babies in the Womb

Educate yourself about abortion and babies in the womb,  and, then educate yourself about Planned Parenthood — decide for yourself about what is happening in this agenda to destroy human life. baby choice to live

We Are Civilized?

We call ourselves civilized and we debate whether or not we should kill and dismember human beings, growing in the womb, because they may or may not feel pain.  We accept the lies, that are fed to us, that they are only “groups of cells” and “blobs of fllesh”, when in reality they are miniature human bodies with all the organs and body parts that we, ourselves, have. We ignore the obvious facts, taking the word of self proclaimed experts, allowing embryos and fetuses to be poisoned and put to death and, then, cut into pieces and removed from the womb without even knowing what they, really, look like. We rationalize that because it is the law of the land to kill these tiny human beings that it is ok to do so, and that we should continue to permit this. And, now, we are buying into the lie that these beings are not even human. Thank God there are some people who, actually, acknowledge the truth and are working to try to save life in the womb. If more people would learn the facts, they would wake up and petition the Senate to vote for the Late-Term Abortion Ban. And, if people would take the time to watch videos of humans in the womb, and the procedure of killing them and dismembering them, people would be educated enough to realize what they are, actually, agreeing to when the approve of abortion.

stages of baby abortion


See these videos to learn the process of life during pregnancy:


The Secret Life in The Womb

The Second Trimester

The Third Trimester



One Courageous Man Who Is Fighting For The Rights Of The Innocent

It is amazing that we are so concerned about animal rights and will fight for them to live and not suffer, but, we just blindly accept the tortuous death of babies growing in their mother’s wombs. Here is one man who is pleading for these innocent ones.  Watch and listen as he makes his case. 

The Truth Concerning Planned Parenthood’s Claim That Only 3% Of Their Services Are Abortions.

Planned Parenthood is promoting the idea that only 3% of their services are abortions, but, they are not stating true facts to the public. Check out this article, and watch the video, to see how Planned Parenthood comes up with the 3% figure. The facts will amaze you!

If Planned Parenthood’s not about abortion, why do they commit more than a third in the U.S.?

Just What Has Happened to the Women’s Rights Movement, That Used to Stand for Human Rights?

“It’s worth pointing out that this nation’s first feminists abhorred abortion, and were staunchly pro-life. What would they think of what their movement has become? Modern feminists don’t just advocate for abortion to be legal; it has to be celebrated, promoted, and anyone who doesn’t fall in line must be silenced.”

After including a pro-life feminist group as a partner, the Women’s March did some backpedaling to appease pro-abortion groups.

The Fantastic Human Brain!

It is just amazing just how well formed the brain is in a 12 week old fetus! But, of course, it must be to be! The fetus (unborn human baby) is ruled by his/her brain just as much as all humans are. We all receive messages from our brains to function. Everything that we think or do is connected to our brains. Without our brains we cannot function at all! Here is an ultrasound video that shows the brain of the 12 week old baby in the womb:

This training video clip describes the normal anatomy of the fetal brain ventricular system using transvaginal 3D ultrasound. Transvaginal 3D neurosonography…