Little Space, Big Perspective

These thoughts reflect my own. Challenges of the past, as well as currently, have made me grow and reach greater heights than I would have without them.


Oh NYC, how I’ve missed you!

I came in for a shoot this morning, which finished early. Placing me smack dab in midtown in the afternoon; right before the mad dash of suits leave the office for the day and clog the streets with over polished dress shoes and designer menswear.


It’s was one of those New York spring days that you dream about when you’re snowed-in in February. Warm in the sun, with just the right amount of breeze to keep it comfortable.

And so I walked.

Took it all in. The different people. The smells. The various languages I heard bellowing from the storefronts. I was back.

There’s a way that New York makes you feel so small. Minuscule, looking up at the sky scrapers soaring one higher than the next, as though competing to pierce the sky. Meanwhile you’re just triumphant if you don’t get run over…

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